In general, most users prefer receiving Notifications on iPhone and consider Notifications from Messages, WhatsApp and other Messaging Apps as being very useful.
However, there could also be many non-essential apps constantly flashing Notifications on the Lock Screen of your iPhone and crowding up the Notification Center with unwanted Notifications.
Hence, we are providing below the steps to Disable Notifications from unwanted Apps on Lock Screen and also on Control Center of your iPhoone.
Disable Notifications on iPhone
iPhone provides the option to Turn OFF Notifications from any app that is bothering you with unwanted notifications and it also provide the option to change the type of notifications appearing on your device.
1. Disable Notifications from Any App on iPhone
All that is required to Disable Notifications from any App on iPhone is to go to Notifications Settings and move the slider next to the App to OFF position.
1. Go to Settings > Notifications > scroll down and select the App for which you want to Disable Notifications.
2. On the next screen, move the toggle next to Allow Notifications to OFF position.
After this, you will no longer find this particular App bothering you with Notifications.
You can repeat the above steps to Disable Notifications from other non-essential Apps on your iPhone.
2. Quickly Turn OFF All Notifications on iPhone
If you are in an important meeting or looking for a totally distraction free period, you can quickly disable Notifications from all Apps on your iPhone by switching your device to “Do Not Disturb Mode”.
The quickest way to Enable “Do Not Disturb” mode on iPhone is by going to the Control Center and tapping on the Do Not Disturb Icon.
If you have never used “Do Not Disturb” Mode, you can take a look at this guide: How to Enable “Do Not Disturb” Mode On iPhone.
3. Turn OFF Siri Suggestions on Lock Screen for All Apps
Another way to reduce the distracting impact of Notifications from all Apps on iPhone is to disable Siri Suggestions on the Lock Screen of your device.
1. Go to Settings > Notifications > Siri Suggestions.
2. On the next screen, disable Siri Suggestions by moving the slider to OFF position.
This will prevent Siri from pushing notifications from apps on the Lock Screen of your iPhone.
4. Disable Lock Screen Notifications on iPhone
Instead of completely disabling Notifications, you can reduce the distracting impact of Notifications from non-essential apps by disabling Lock Screen Notifications.
1. Go to Settings > Notifications > select the App for which you want to Disable Notifications.
2. On the next screen, scroll down to Alerts section and tap on Lock Screen to remove the check mark.
Note: Move the toggle next to Sounds to OFF position to prevent Sound notifications from this particular App.
After this, you will no longer find Notifications from the selected App flashing on the Lock Screen of your iPhone or distracting you with Notification sound.
However, you will still be able to check Notifications from this App by going to the Notification Center on your iPhone.
5. Disable Banner, Badge and Sound Notifications on iPhone
Most Apps installed on iPhone have a default tendency to automatically Flash Banner, Badge and Sound Notifications on your device.
However, you can modify the type of Notifications appearing on your device by disabling Banners, Badges and Sound.
1. Go to Settings > Notifications > select the App for which you want to disable Banner, Badge and Sound Notifications.
2. On the next screen, uncheck Banners and move the toggle next to Badges to OFF position.
Note: You may also want to disable Notifications Sound by moving the toggle next to Sounds to OFF position.