The SUMIF function in Excel can be used to Count the total number of items that meet a certain conditions. For example, the SUMIF Function can be used to instantly […]
How to Create Two Pivot Tables in Single Worksheet
Sometimes, you may want to create two Pivot tables in single Excel worksheet to report data in two different ways. You can find below the steps to create Two Pivot […]
How to Hide And Unhide Sheets in Excel
If there are multiple worksheets in an Excel Workbook, you may want to hide few worksheets to reduce the clutter or for other reasons. You can find below the steps […]
How to Delete Pivot Table in Excel
After Creating Pivot Table and using it to create reports, you may want to delete it. You can find below the steps to delete Pivot Table in Excel in three […]
Replace Blank Cells with Zeros in Excel Pivot Table
The default setting in Excel Pivot Tables is to show blank cells when there is no applicable data for a row or column label. You can find below the steps […]
How to Hide Zeros in Excel
Sometimes you may find the need to hide zero values in your data and show cells with zero values as blank cells. You can find below different methods to Hide […]
How to Replace Zeros With Blank, Dash or Text in Excel
Sometimes the presence of zeros in Excel data field can make histograms and other type of graphs look inaccurate. You can find below the steps to replace zeros with blank, […]
How to Insert Picture Into Excel Cell
Here is how to Insert Picture into Excel Cell, in case you come across the need to insert company logo or product pictures into Excel. Insert Picture Into Excel Cell […]
How to Create Pivot Table From Multiple Worksheets
Having the Source Data on a single Worksheet makes it easy to Create Pivot Table. However, it is also possible to Create Pivot Table From Multiple Worksheets, if the Source […]
How to Find Duplicates in Excel Using Conditional Formatting
The Conditioning Formatting feature in Excel highlights duplicate values in a selected range of data. You can find below the steps to find duplicates in Excel using Conditional Formatting. Find […]