If required, you can allow someone in your family or certain important Contacts to be able to Bypass the “Do Not Disturb” mode on your Android Phone.
You may want to do this, because “Do Not Disturb” mode silences all Calls and Notifications, which can always lead to the possibility of missing an urgent or emergency call from someone in your family or missing an important business related call or message.
The solution to this issue is to set an exception rule in DND Mode, allowing someone or certain people to Call or Message you, even when your phone is placed in “Do Not Disturb” Mode.
Allow Someone to Bypass “Do Not Disturb” On Android
On Android Phones, you can Allow someone to Bypass “Do Not Disturb” mode by designating this particular Contact as Starred Contact in the Address book and then enabling the option to allow Starred Contacts to Call or Message during “Do Not Disturb” mode.
You can find below the steps to Designate Starred Contacts in the Address Book and also the steps to Allow the Starred Contacts to Bypass the “Do Not Disturb” mode on your Android Phone.
1. Designate Starred Contacts in Address Book
As mentioned above, the first step is to designate that person or the people that you want to allow in Do Not Disturb Mode as Starred Contacts in the Address Book.
1. Open the Contacts App on your Android Phone.
2. Select the Contact that you want to designate as your starred Contact.
3. On the next screen, tap on the Star Shaped Favorites Icon to designate this particular Contact as Starred Contact.
If you want to allow more people to Bypass Do Not Disturb Mode, you will have to repeat the above steps to designate them as your Starred Contacts in the Address Book.
2. Allow Someone to Call You in Do Not Disturb Mode
After designating starred Contacts, the next step is to allow Starred Contacts to Call or Message you, while your Android Phone is placed in Do Not Disturb Mode.
1. Open Settings > scroll down and tap on the Sounds & Vibration option.
2. On Sound and vibration screen, scroll down and tap on Do Not Disturb.
3. On Do Not Disturb screen, scroll down and select Calls, messages and conversations option, located under “Exceptions” section.
4. On the next screen, tap on Calls and select Favorite contacts only option in the menu that appears.
If you want to Allow Messages, tap on Messages and select Favorite contacts only option in the contextual menu.
After this, all your Favorite Contacts will be allowed to Bypass Do Not Disturb Mode and Call or Message you, even when your phone is placed in Do Not Disturb Mode.